Daniel made a resolution within himself; and, it is reasonable to assume that, while excelling in proficiency of Babylonian culture, Daniel’s resolution was to maintain a characteristic of his life that distinguished himself from the world around him; he resolved to remain set apart.
Daniel 1, part A
The youths without blemish held captive in exile were not afraid of education, and, one can imagine that their studious efforts may have even helped them form and present Godly counsel through language and imagery understood by the Babylonians.
Romans 9
In Romans 9, Paul called us to focus on the warning to not stumble over the temptation to return to legalism.
An Outline of Daniel
Through the book of Daniel, we are provided a glimpse of the amazing story of one of the text’s main characters and authors, Nebuchadnezzar, and are permitted to speculate as to the lasting impact of his life.
The Book of Daniel
The book of Daniel does not have to be complicated; and, while walking through it, we should be uplifted to know that, come what may, we can look to God through it all.
Romans 8, part D
Romans 8 is a prophetic message of theological grounding and preparation for the persecution coming from Emperor Nero’s Reign of Terror; and, the message is clear: we are secure in the commanding power of the love of Christ.
Romans 8, part C
Despite what many preach, the Gospel of Christ does not promise mere spiritual redemption—the promise of the gospel is the wholistic redemption of all creation.
Romans 8, part B
Having been rescued, redeemed, and made righteous, Romans 8 emphasizes our requirement to leave our former ways and instead walk as His children.
Romans 8, part A
The radical nature of the gospel soars through Romans 8 starting with Paul’s declaration of the truth that condemnation is not tolerated within the Kingdom of God.
Romans 7
An examination of Romans 7 and the struggle between spirit and flesh, the law and sin, leads us to the assurance that, though we may still sin, we are no longer captives.