
In The Calling of God, we begin a needed conversation about how to fervently embark on a wild journey as God’s beloved disciples. For many of us, the calling of God on our lives can either appear far too mysterious or seemingly out of reach; but, the truth is that it is the will of God to draw us—allure us—into a beautiful adventure of purpose, life, and intimacy as his disciples.

By diving into the Word of God, establishing firm foundations in our faith, and listening eagerly for the loving lure of God’s tender voice drawing us into further and further intimacy with him, The Calling of God explores the divine as revealed to us in Scripture so that we can all find the heart of God that beckons us to come to him.

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Bible Conversations Romans

Romans 12, part C

The Church quickly grew in reputation throughout the Roman Empire as being a community that loved fiercely by showing a sincere concern for the welfare of others with a devoted willingness to sacrifice self. This is the Gospel culture that spurred the revolutionary wildfire that we call the first century church revival.
Bible Conversations Romans

Romans 12 part B

All believers are in this together; we need each other; we need everyone to get involved and act as vessels for the power of the Spirit. You belong; and, you are not only welcomed but needed. More than that, you are not only needed but specifically and uniquely empowered.
Bible Conversations Romans

Romans 12, part A

Of all the worldly aspects of which we should strive to not be conformed, a life lived for the benefit of self is one to avoid. Christians seeking to obtain a standard of righteous living for personal gain find themselves conforming to the patterns of the secular world. Heaven, instead, guides us to live for the benefit of others, sacrifice that others may known Him and be redeemed, pursue a life of holiness that is evangelistic in nature—this is our spiritual act of worship.
Bible Conversations Romans

Romans 11

Like the Apostle Paul, as ambassadors of the Gospel of Christ, the cry of our hearts and the longing of our souls should be that none are left behind. The heart of Paul’s evangelistic appeal was personal, vulnerable, and compassionate; moreover, his appeal was centered on the faithfulness of God—even to those who rejected Him. Those left behind, the pharisaic and sadducaic communities, were not anonymous; Paul, a former Pharisee himself, knew their names, spent time in their homes, debated them in the scholarly chambers, broke bread with them, prayed with them—to Paul, these communities were family.
Bible Conversations Daniel

Daniel 2, part A

Because of the disturbing dream of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel was given an opportunity to stand out as a wise sage with religious authority beyond that of the other academics. However, the opportunity presented, the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, came dramatically and with potential for terrifying consequences. The actions of faith, the prudent wisdom of Daniel, created a lasting legacy of Biblical proportions that would have a significant impact for hundreds of years to come.
Bible Conversations Romans

Romans 10

The corrupted sinful teachings of righteousness through piety is shattered at the foot of the Cross. According to Paul, all who are in Christ should shout to the eagerly waiting world that the very notion of performance-obtained right standing has met its end by the blood of the Lamb and the roar of the Lion.
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Through a thorough investigation and strong collaboration, Chandler Police detectives secured a 35-year prison sentence for child sex offender Edwin Anthony Delgado. Dangerous offenders like him use social media and apps to target minors. Protect your children: Stay informed,…

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